Freshman Fifteen.
It's a phrase I heard a million times before arriving at
UTD. "Watch out for the Freshman Fifteen." "Make sure you eat
right, or you'll get the Freshman Fifteen."
In case you were wondering: No, I did not get the Freshman
Fifteen. I gained some weight--around 5 lbs--but that added weight came
intentionally, and it came mostly as muscle.
If anything, it was easier to keep weight off during the
school year. It sounds counterintuitive, but it's true.
Here's why:
First, UT Dallas has a pretty great gym. There are machines that
can exercise almost any part of your body, and you can always find something
open for use. During the busiest parts of the day, your first choice may be
taken, but something is usually better than nothing when it comes to exercise.
Second, and more importantly, my busy schedule at UT Dallas
me to structure my week around a series of routines. I went to class at a
certain time every day. I found a regular time to eat in between those classes.
And every morning, before I started any of that, I rolled out of bed, laced up
my running shoes, and jogged over to the gym.
A lot of my friends could hardly believe how early I got up
to exercise. (I think some still don't.) For me, though, hopping onto an
exercise bike or treadmill is just part of my day. It's a habit, and just as
bad habits are the hardest to break, good habits are the easiest to keep.
I’m pretty sure that’s why teachers always insisted that we
students take notes and the like in high school, but even if you went to
college without those skills, there’s no time like the present to pivot toward
a more healthy routine. All it takes is a loud alarm clock and a solid amount
of determination. I won’t lie. Those first weeks are the hardest, and it’s easy
to weasel out of a work out. "I have too much homework." "I'm so
tired now. I just don’t want to overexert." Those excuses will weigh
heavily in the beginning, but they fade away. After a while, exercise is just
something you do. I know that’s how it worked for me.
In fact, I started writing this at 9 AM, right after a
half-hour workout. It's not as easy when I can choose to sleep in till noon
every day, but the habits I developed at UT Dallas are staying with me even through
the summer.